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Mrs Mousset

English blog

Let's celebrate!

Publié le 30 Novembre 2020 par mrs.mousset in 5ème, festivals, celebrate, special days

Les 5èmes vont voyager cette année!


 Ils vont suivre une jeune fille australienne, Clare, qui adore voyager!


 A travers ses voyages, elle a découvrir des pays, des cultures, mais surtout des fêtes propres à chaque pays..


Comment suivre ses aventures?


En lisant les articles de son blog...



Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

Découvrons d'abord son pays:

Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

Let's go!

Let's celebrate!

#1. India & Diwali.

Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

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Enfin, un peu de lecture sur l'origine de cette fête!

Dear Family and friends,


 Diwali was AMAZING ! Let me tell you about it !  November, India



Diwali is an Indian festival. Diwali is also called ‘the Festival of Lights’. It’s a national holiday in India.



People in India celebrate Diwali at the end of the Hindu calendar year, in October or November.  The Diwali celebrations last for five days. The fourth day of Diwali marks the start of the New Year and it is the most important day of the festival.


·WHY ?

A long time ago,  King Ram  returned to Ayodhya after he defeating Ravana by lighting rows of clay lamps. Today, people celebrate this victory in this festival. The lights symbolize the victory of light over darkness / good over bad.


·HOW ?

During Diwali, people light lamps and pray for good health, peace and wisdom .Children light fireworks and adults buy new clothes and give gifts and sweets to their family and friends. People pray to Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth for prosperity in the coming year.


My opinion :

what a day ! Diwali is amazing ! I have never seen such a festival ! It is so

beautiful ! There are lights and colours everywhere ! Music, happiness, celebration.. You

can’t forget such an experience ! You would love it here too !




Let's celebrate!

#2. Ireland & Halloween.

Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

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Dear Family and friends,


 Halloween in Ireland was SO GREAT ! You wouldn’t believe it !


·WHAT ? Today, Halloween is a special holiday for British and American children, but it was originated in Ireland. It is celebrated on October 31st.


·WHEN ? 2,000 years ago, the ancient inhabitants of Ireland, the Celts, celebrated the end of their year with a festival calledSamhain’. Later, the Christian church changed this festival into All Saints’ Day or All Hallows’, on November 1st. And the day before All Saints Day was known as All Hallows’ Eve, or Halloween. Then, a lot of immigrants from Ireland took their traditions to the USA in the 19th Century.


·WHY ? The Celts believed that on this day ghost came back to the living world, so they put on costumes to be mistaken for them. They also prayed for dead people.


·HOW ? Today, people choose costumes to dress up as ghosts, vampires, witches or monsters in generalThey also carve pumpkins and make jack o’ lanternsChildren go out ‘trick or treating’ : they go from one house to the next  and ask for sweets.


My opinion : Halloween is a famous festival, but it’s still great ! Being in Ireland took me back to the first Halloween, and it was magical ! Of course, it’s fun, but it’s also quite scary. It’s more exciting than Diwali, in a way, but also scarier ! Some of the costumes were more impressive and stranger than the ones you can see at home. You’d love it here !



#3. England for Guy Fawkes Day / Bonfire Night

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Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

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Dear Family and friends

November 5th, England.


Wow! What a day! Guy Fawkes Day is awesome!!


·WHAT ? Today, in England, on November 5th, British people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day or Bonfire Night. It’s an old tradition, which is celebrated all around the country.


·WHEN ? On November 5th 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes tried to kill the King.


·WHY ? King James I was Protestant, and he hated Catholics. Guy Fawkes was Catholic. With his friends, he put 36 barrels of gunpowder to blow up the Parliament and kill the king !  He was betrayed by one of his friends, arrested, tortured and killed. James I made sure British people celebrated Fuy Fawkes’s death so that people remember they can’t attack the king.


·HOW ? Today, people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day by creating ‘Guys’, a model of Guy Fawkes, with old clothes, which they later throw in the bonfires, lit at night. At night, they go out and watch massive fireworks displays, while eating special food like toffee apples or baked potatoes. At school, children learn the poemRemember, Remember’.


My opinion : I didn’t know anything about Guy Fawkes day and had never heard anything about him before ! This was very interesting ! What a history lesson ! Such an amazing day !

Guy Fawkes Day is less scary than Halloween and less magical than Diwali, but still, it’s a very interesting history lesson.  I would say it’s probably as interesting as any other historical day



#4. USA & Thanksgiving.

Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

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Dear Family and friends,

                                                                          Late November, USA

Wow ! Thanksgiving was incredible ! You wouldn’t believe it ! I’ve never seen anything like that ! G8 weekend 4 me !

• WHAT ? Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. Childrendon't go to school. It is a very special day for families, and people travel great distances just to be with their families for this occasion. Thanksgiving is a major celebration in the United- States!


• WHEN ? In September 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left England, with 102 people on board (=’The Pilgrims’). They left Europe to escape religious persecution. After a long journey (66 days), they arrived in what they called Plymouth. Their first winter was brutal, and half the colony died. However, the Pilgrims met the Wampanoag Native Americans , who taught them how to cultivate corn, catch fish, and avoid poisonous plants, …

• WHY ? In November 1621, after their first harvest was successful, they organized a
celebratory feast to thank the Wampanoags for their precious help. This feast is recognized as America’s “first Thanksgiving.” However, instead of turkey and pie, the Pilgrims and Native Americans probably ate lobster and swan.

• HOW ? Today, families and friends gather for a big dinner. They eat roast turkey with
cranberry sauce or gravy, sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie. They say what they are "thankful" for. They often watch Macy’s Parade or American football on television. But Thanksgiving has also become more "commercialized"... The day after Thanksgiving is called "Black Friday" because a lot of Americans do not work so they go shopping to buy Christmas presents that day.

My opinion : Thanksgiving in the USA was an incredible adventure ! I mean, what an experience !It’s such a wonderful celebration ! It’s probably even more important to them than Christmas. Thisspecial day is so important to them that they travel very long distances to be together. I had such agreat time there ! I keep learning new things everywhere I go ! I can’t wait to reach my next and final destination for this trip ! I hope it will be as good as the last ones !

#4. New Zealand & Christmas.

Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

Compare Christmas in England and in New Zealan

Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!
Let's celebrate!

Dear Family and friends,
December, New Zealand
I can’t believe this is nearly the end of my trip ! Time has flown by so quickly ! Next week, I’ll be home with you all. I have so many things to tell you and so many photos to show you !

• WHAT ? In New Zealand Christmas comes in the middle of the summer holidays. Lots of people like to spend time of the beach or camping for Christmas.

• WHEN ? On December 25th, New Zealanders celebrate Christmas – the birth of Jesus. They don’t celebrate it on the 24th (Christmas Eve) but on the 25th (Christmas Day).

• WHY ? Christmas is a religious day observed by Christians. Some people often go to church, sing carols but many only follow the traditions.

• HOW ? Many people have a Christmas tree in their homes and decorate it. IN New Zealand, the Christmas Tree is the Pōhutukawa. Many New Zealanders have a barbecue for Christmas lunch. They also decorate their houses, but most of them spend the day outside, or by the beach. People open their presents on Christmas Day once the whole family is all together. This is usually before the Christmas lunch. On December 26th, New Zealanders, like British people, celebrate Boxing Day.

My opinion : I loved spending Christmas in New Zealand, but I wasn’t much surprised about the celebrations
as they are pretty similar to the ones we have at home. It will still be a lovely experience, although I missed
you all ! Even if I do love travelling and learning new things, it’s good to be home !

I’ll see you in a week or so..

However, I’m sure I’ll be travelling more soon…

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